3 BCAN Mini Trampoline Reviews

The BCAN Mini Trampoline is your gateway to a healthier, more energetic lifestyle! Whether you’re seeking a fun way to shed those extra pounds, improve cardiovascular fitness, or simply de-stress after a long day, the BCAN mini trampoline is a good solution.

With its compact design and durability, it fits seamlessly into any space, offering you a convenient and an effective workout. Get ready to boost your metabolism, strengthen your muscles, and experience better health. Say hello to a more active and vibrant you with the BCAN mini trampoline!

Product Table (in a hurry)

BCAN Mini TrampolineDetails

BCAN 36”/38” Foldable Mini Trampoline

28 Springs – 300lbs Max Weight Capacity – 38”

BCAN 40”/48” Foldable Mini Trampoline

 32 Springs – 330 lbs Max Weight Capacity – 40” – Handlebar

BCAN 450 lb/550 lbs Foldable Mini Trampoline

32 High-Strength Bungee Cords – 450 lbs Max Weight Capacity – 40” frame

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Why You Should Include a Rebounder/Mini Trampoline in Your Fitness Routine.

First of all, they are a fun way to exercise. Rebounding may remind you of when you were a kid, jumping on the backyard trampoline.

But it is not just about the fun, rebounders offer a wealth of health benefits as well.

Low-Impact Exercise

For one, they are a low-impact exercise. This means they are easy on your joints, making them suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Balance and Coordination

Plus, it can help you improve your balance and coordination. This is important for everyday activities.

Lymphatic System

Rebounders also excel at boosting your lymphatic system. The up-and-down motion helps your body flush out toxins and boost your immunity. 

Cardio Workout and Metabolism

Mini trampolines are good at providing you with a good cardio workout. In no time at all, you can get your heart racing as you bounce on your rebounder. With increased heart rate, you can increase your metabolism, burning extra calories and perhaps shed some unwanted pounds.

Core Strength

If you want to enhance your core strength, a rebounder can help with that as well. The constant engagement of your abdominal muscles while maintaining your balance during bouncing, can help tone and strengthen your core over time.

Compact, Convenient Exercise Option.

Lastly, using a mini trampoline is both a compact and convenient exercise option. You can set it up in your living room or den, and it is light weight so it can easily be moved. You can fold many mini trampolines in half, in thirds or in fourths, making them easily stowed in your trunk for traveling, or stored in a closet, under the bed, or behind the sofa at home.   

So have a blast while improving your health and fitness. I highly recommend giving it a try!

What to Look for When Buying a Mini Trampoline

Weight Capacity

It is important to know if the mini trampoline is designed to safely support your body weight. Manufacturers typically provide weight capacity guidelines, so be sure to stay well within those limits to get the most from your rebounder. This will ensure its useful life span.

Springs or Bungee Cords

Bungee Cords tend to have a quieter bounce, but not all mini trampolines have bungee cords. Some people feel that springs have a longer life span than bungee cords. What is your preference, bungee cords, or springs?

Strong Steel Frame

Look for a rebounder with a sturdy frame made from high-quality materials. Steel frames are known for their durability. If you are using your rebounder on a regular basis, you want a frame that ensures stability and longevity. 

You want to prevent your rebounder frame from rusting, so it should not be left in damp areas.

BCAN Mini Trampoline - Durable-non-slip-mat

Durable, Non-Slip Mat

The jumping area should be made of strong, durable material. Many rebounder mats are constructed with high-quality Polypropylene.

Size vs Available Space

Begin by assessing the available space in your home. Mini trampolines come in various sizes. You will want to choose one that comfortably fits into your space and allows you ample room on the mat as you exercise. You also, want to consider the ceiling height of the room where the rebounder is to be located.

Safety Features

A padded frame cover enhances your overall safety and reduces the risk of injuries during your rebounding sessions. Non-slip is often related to the footwear you use. Barefoot is good, so are rebounder shoes. You can read more about that by clicking here


Finally, think about additional features and accessories that rebounders may have. Handlebars can be beneficial for beginners, or those concerned with their balance. Other options rebounders may include are workout DVDs or access to online workout programs to help you make the most of your rebounding experience.

Take the above things into consideration when purchasing your rebounder to ensure it meets your needs and provides you with a safe and enjoyable exercise.

3 BCAN Mini Trampoline Reviews

Here are the reviews of the 3 BCAN Mini Trampolines

1-BCAN 36”/38” Foldable Mini Trampoline

This rebounder is constructed with a sturdy alloy steel frame and a sturdy polypropylene mat. You will appreciate the compact size to fit into your home with ease. It supports up to 300 lbs, and has 28 steel springs to give it bouncing integrity. It is designed to be easily portable, by folding into quarters to store in your home or take it with you when you travel.

It has been tested with 3,000 continuous jumps so you can jump with confidence.

You can expect good customer service, with a quick reply within 24 hours. There are parts warehouses all over the U.S. should you require any supplies.


  • Lifetime Service
  • Quick reply within 24 hours
  • Parts warehouses all over the US.


  • Max. Weight Capacity: 300 lbs.
  • Waterproof Polypropylene Mat
  • Frames Size: 38”
  • Number of Springs: 28
  • 6 Legs
  • 28 Steel Springs
  • Folds to ¼ size


  • Easy to Assemble
  • Compact


  • Springs can squeak.
  • Firm bounce.

What Customers Say:

  • Good cardio workout.
  • Feels sturdy and a lot of fun.
  • It works wonders for me. Worth every penny.
  • Plan on leaving it assembled. Not easy to fold.
  • No complaints for an inexpensive mini trampoline.
  • Good customer service. Easy to get replacement parts, if necessary.
  • Used 2 hrs a day for 2 weeks and a seam came loose.

2-BCAN 40”/48” Foldable Mini Trampoline with Adjustable Foam Handlebar

This rebounder is not only lightweight and safe, but it provides a fun way to exercise. It folds into quarters (without removing the pad) for easy portability and storage. High-strength stainless steel springs have been tested for 3,000 continuous jumps.

You will feel safe with the Heavy-duty handlebar that adjusts from 2.6” to 3’5”.

By using a mini trampoline, you can efficiently get cardio without spending hours exercising. Just minutes on the rebounder, equals much more time spent jogging, cycling, or swimming.

BCAN was founded in 2018 and has provided satisfaction to tens of thousands of Americans.


  • Lifetime Service
  • Quick reply within 24 hours.
  • Parts warehouses all over the U.S. for easy, effective after-sales service.


  • Max. Weight Capacity: 330 lbs.
  • Waterproof Polypropylene Mat
  • Frames Size: 40”
  • Adjustable Handlebar: 2’6” to 3’5”
  • 6 Legs
  • 32 Steel Springs
  • Folds to ¼ size


  • Adjustable Handlebar
  • Quarter-Fold design.
  • Steel Frame


  • Holes for handlebar don’t line up for assembly. After drilling a new hole, it is stable and secure.

What Customers Say:

  • The handle is a great feature, I feel safe.
  • Rebounder is tight and sturdy.
  • It does not take up too much space.
  • I love this and use it every day.
  • Seniors love it.
  • My physical therapist recommended I use it for balance issues.

3-BCAN 450 lb Foldable Mini Trampoline with Bungee Cords

This BCAN fitness trampoline come about 60% pre-assembled. It takes only about 10 minutes to complete assembly. With the help of the video, installing the bungee cords is not too difficult.

The 450-weight capacity rebounder has 32 high-strength bungee cords. The frame is of steel, with a wear-resistant polypropylene mat.

The bungee cords make bouncing almost noiseless! When it is folded, you can store it under the bed, behind the sofa, in the closet or car trunk! But you will enjoy it so much you will never want to put it away!


  • 1-year warranty.
  • Customer response within 12 hours.


  • Max. Weight Capacity: 450 lbs.
  • Waterproof Polypropylene Mat
  • Frames Size: 40”
  • 6 Screw-in Legs
  • 32 Bungee Cords
  • Folds to ¼ size
  • Optional Handle


  • Good cardio exercise
  • Good entry-level rebounder.
  • Quiet


  • Be sure to tighten the legs before each use.

What Customers Say:

  • This is a big rebounder.
  • It seems very stable.
  • Unscrew the legs if you want to store it flat.
  • Good value for a quiet mini trampoline.
  • Customer service gladly supplied extra bungee cords.
  • Some people removed some bungee cords to help them open the rebounder, then reattached them.


What are some Beginner’s Tips to using a mini trampoline?

Start slowly. Begin with 5 minutes the first day and see how your body responds. Gradually increase the time you spend on the rebounder. 

Never work in pain. If you feel pain, during any type of exercise, Stop! You can give your muscles a good workout, but not to the point of pain.

How Many Minutes a Day Should You Rebound?

You will notice a difference in your health if you spend just 15-minutes a day on the rebounder.

Who should not use a rebounder?

If you have problems with the disks in your back, you should consult with your personal healthcare provider before beginning a rebounding routine.

Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.

BCAN Mini Trampoline - Benefits

Wrapping It Up

By now, you can see why a BCAN Mini Trampoline for your home is a wise choice. Listed above are 3 models to choose from.

Firstly, rebounders offers an engaging and low-impact workout that’s gentle on joints, making it suitable for all fitness levels and ages.

Their compact size ensures easy storage and placement in any room, while its sturdy construction guarantees durability and safety.

Moreover, rebounding on a BCAN mini trampoline can help boost metabolism, improve cardiovascular and lymphatic health, and enhance balance and coordination.

It’s a versatile fitness tool that’s not only effective but also enjoyable.

Invest in your health and well-being with the BCAN Mini Trampoline and experience the benefits of a convenient, at-home workout solution!

Check Out this Alternative Rebounder – Dave Hall’s Cellerciser®

Disclaimer: If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. No content on this site should be substituted for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner. The information contained here is for informational purposes only. It is from my research and personal experience.

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2 thoughts on “3 BCAN Mini Trampoline Reviews”

  1. Hi Carolyn,

    I have never really thought of using a trampoline in an exercise routine. I really only ever see it as something for the kids.  This info is great. 
    You mentioned that the motions help to flush out toxins. Will love to hear more about that! How does that work?

    Dee J.

    • Hi Dee, thanks for stopping by! The heart pumps the blood, circulating it throughout the body. The lymph does not have a pump like the heart. Sedentary people are at a distinct disadvantage in circulating the lymph and removing the toxins from their body. As you jump on the mini trampoline, it helps move the sluggish lymph so it can circulate and remove those toxins. It is discussed here under “Rebounding and the Lymphatic System.”

      CETI also explains it further as to the benefits of rebounding and the lymphatic system.

      Feel free to do more research on the benefits of the rebounder, and you may find that you want to get one for yourself! I enjoy mine, and highly recommend its use!


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