Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline Review

This little gem of a rebounder is a fantastic way to get started into this sport. Many people use the Stamina 36-inch folding trampoline and it has served them well for many years.

Product Name:Stamina 36-Inch Folding Trampoline
Where You Can Buy
Price:Check Current Price Here
Weight Capacity:250 pounds
My Rating:9/10
Warranty:Varies by State

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The Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline Overview

The 36-inch folding Stamina Trampoline has a steel frame with six rubber-tipped legs. These legs give a great deal of stability to the trampoline. A polypropylene mat is attached to the frame by 30 sturdy two-inch resistance bands. Over the resistance bands a durable safety mat fits securely to protect fingers and especially toes from injury.

It does not take much jumping up and down to get your heart pumping and next thing you know you have worked up a pant. Even bouncing up and down works wonders. Give it all you have got for 10 minutes and you will be amazed at the results!

The Perfect Size

The Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline is the perfect size! It is light-weight and can easily be moved from room to room yet is sturdy enough to last for years. It can give you a full body workout, yet it is compact and can be tucked in the closet or under the bed when not in use.

Stamina 36″ Fitness Mini Trampoline

Resistance Bands vs. Springs

One of the many things I like about our Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline is that it is without springs! We enjoyed two previous rebounders that we had. However, one of the biggest complaints I had with the two previous rebounders was that they were noisy. They squeaked every time you jumped!

The 36-Inch Folding Stamina Trampoline has 30 two-inch resistance bands which provide a deep and a quiet bounce.

A rebounder with springs has a firm bounce, which is okay, if that is your preference. Just like Goldilocks, we each have our preference to hard or soft bounce. The hard bounce, I have been told is harder on your knees. When we owned the first two rebounders, I had no problems with my knees, so that made no difference to me.

With the cover pulled back, you can see where it folds, and the two-inch wide resistance bands.


Why a Handlebar?

One thing I wish the 36-inch Folding Stamina Trampoline had is a handlebar. Some mini-trampolines have a handlebar included with the purchase of the trampoline, and others have the option to purchase one. The 36-inch Folding Stamina Trampoline does not have that as an option. The handlebar is a safety feature that helps you keep your balance as you body learns to improve balance on your own.

The mini-trampoline helps you engage your core so that you get better balance the more you bounce! For those who are new to the mini-trampoline, a handlebar would be beneficial until they have a better sense of balance.



  1. It is quiet
  2. Free online workouts
  3. Easy to set up – it takes less than 20 minutes to set up
  4. Portable – it weighs only 14 pounds – and it folds nearly flat so it can be put into a duffel bag.
  5. Stable in design with 6 detachable rubber tipped legs that stay firmly in place and prevent scratches on your floor
  6. Sturdy polypropylene mat
  7. Made of all-steel frame construction
  8. Rugged enough to withstand up to 250 pounds
  9. It has 30 sturdy resistance bands covered by a durable safety pad to protect feet and fingers from injury
  10. Good quality for the inexpensive price
  11. It takes up little room. We push ours under the coffee table when it is not in use.
  12. You can get an aerobic workout in as little as 10 minutes


  1. For safety’s sake, you must remember to tighten the legs each time you use it, so they do not come loose
  2. A handlebar is not included
  3. It takes two people to assemble it
  4. Folding it up takes some time and strength
  5. Three-month warranty on all parts/ one year on the frame – While seldom necessary, it is easy to get spare parts

Who Should Use the Stamina 36-Inch Folding Trampoline?

Rebounding is beneficial for young and old alike. It is a great energy-burning activity for kids who are cooped up inside when the weather is bad. Additionally, people over the age of seventy have used the rebounder for overall health and weight loss, with great success as well.

Knowing how active children can be, it is best to keep an eye on them and monitor their activities.

Did You Know that Jumping on a Trampoline Benefits Your Health?

Fun and Effective Aerobic Exercise

What I love about the Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline is that you can get an effective workout and have fun! You can bounce to your heart’s content and hardly realize the benefits you are getting for your body. Until one day, it dawns on you… I feel great, and better than ever!

It Cleanses Your Body

Many studies have shown that jumping on a trampoline is one of the best aerobic exercises. You will strengthen your body and improve your lymphatic system and blood flow to all parts of your body. You can do all this by regularly jumping on a rebounder for just 10 minutes each day! The rebounder cleanses the toxins from your body by way of the kidneys, bowels, circulatory, and lymph systems.

Better Coordination and Balance

Just by doing a gentle bounce on the rebounder you will increase your balance. If you are ready to do jumping jacks and high knee raises while jumping on the trampoline, just think of the improvement you will make to your coordination and balance as well.

You Will Get a Better Night’s Sleep!

Need I mention that using the Stamina 36-inch Folding Fitness Trampoline will lower your stress levels. You will find greater relaxation and get a better night’s sleep.

Feel Young with Plenty of Energy!

As a result, jumping on your trampoline will bring fantastic benefit to your body. You will feel young! You will be energized as the cells in your body are renewed. Your muscles will be toned, and your bones will grow stronger, all from this one simple exercise.

How Long Until You See Results?

In less than a week, I could feel a difference in my heart rate from using the Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline. With regular use, you will see your body growing stronger. You will get better posture and balance, and you will increase your lung capacity.

9 Health Benefits of Rebounding

  1. Increases Lymphatic Flow in the Body
  2. Increases Oxygen Circulation to Every Cell in Your Body
  3. Less Strain on the Joints, Feet, and Legs than Jogging
  4. Aerobic Exercise – Strengthens the Heart and Lungs
  5. Improves Posture and Balance
  6. Low Impact Exercise – The surface of the trampoline absorbs impact of each jump
  7. Reduces Stress -Enhances Relaxation
  8. Improves Sleep
  9. Strengthens Bones

Training for the Stamina 36-Inch Folding Trampoline

There are three streaming workouts available from Stamina to get the most from your trampoline.

My Final Opinion of the Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline

  • Supports up to 250 pounds
  • Lightweight, compact design
  • Provides a healthy bounce to get an aerobic workout
  • Good quality product for the price
  • The mat is of adequate strength with the right amount of bounce
  • No extra special features such as handlebars
  • You do get an excellent product for the average user

Inexpensive, Serviceable? Absolutely!

Get Yours Today

Disclaimer: If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. No content on this site should be substituted for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner. The information contained here is for informational purposes only. It is from my research and personal experience.

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4 thoughts on “Stamina 36-inch Folding Trampoline Review”

  1. I have never thought of the trampoline as a piece of equipment that can help me get fit. I just used to look at it as something that kids use to have fun. Well, this one you showed here is very good and the gavh that it is 36 inch is great. That shows that it doesn’t take up much space and it is also foldable.

    • It is truly an amazing little piece of equipment that can be folded or just stand it behind a sofa or dresser when not in use. In as little as 10 minutes of bouncing on the rebounder, you can get your heart rate up and get a workout. There are classes available, or by following along online, it is amazing how it will transform your health. 

  2. Hi, I really love the title of your website. It is very appealing to the everyday person like me. You offer very good reviews of the products from real people and that makes me want to try your product or refer it to someone I know at the least. I think your website will help people get fit and make better choices!

    • Hi Ree, Thanks for stopping by with a comment! I love the mini trampoline. We do have a Stamina, and even my grandson enjoys it. It is an enjoyable way to get healthy, can be a total body workout, yet it does not take an all day workout at the gym!


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