11 Heart Healthy Activities for Adults


You are aware that exercise and a good diet can keep you healthy. Can you name some fun heart healthy activities for adults? Below are listed 11 heart healthy activities for adults to make your heart stronger. By incorporating these things into your lifestyle, your heart health will improve and become the best that it … Read more

Why Walk 10,000 Steps a Day?


Activity trackers are becoming so popular that some businesses award them to their employees to encourage them to keep track of their health in a user-friendly manner. But why walk 10,000 steps a day? Where Did 10,000 Steps Come From? In 1780 Abraham-Louis Perrelet of Switzerland created the first pedometer. He used it to count … Read more

The Benefits of Walking for Exercise


What are the benefits of walking for exercise? They are probably too numerous to mention all of them! Walking helps keep our body fit, keep some diseases at bay, and helps us keep a happy, healthy, outlook on life. All you need is a sturdy pair of shoes and a walking stick, if you like! … Read more

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