11 Tips to Help Prevent Falls

Balance problems are common in older adults, especially those over 65 years old. They’re also associated with falls that cause injury and even death. Discover 11 tips to help prevent falls.

By making changes to your environment and improving your balance and mobility you can prevent falls. Specific activities can help you strengthen your core and increase your balance safely and effectively. Let’s look at 11 tips to help prevent falls.

Understand Your Risk Factors.

Approximately one in four people over the age of sixty-five years of age, fall each year. Almost one fall in ten results in a fracture, and one-fifth of those incidents require the attention of a healthcare practitioner.

If you’re at high risk for falling, take steps to minimize your chances of getting injured. Start by learning more about your own personal risk factors. Then, make changes to your own health and environment to help keep yourself safe.

11 Tips to Help Prevent Falls.

1.Stay physically active.

Keep moving to keep your joints, ligaments, and tendons flexible. Do strength training, and balance exercises. Simply going or daily walks may help you maintain your balance. 


2.Keep electrical cords out of walking areas

Keep electrical cords tucked behind furniture and not where people will trip over them. Avoid using extension cords.

3.Understand your medication.

Talk with your healthcare provider about the possible side effects of medications. Dizziness is sometimes a side effect of some medications and can affect your balance. Stand up slowly to avoid getting dizzy.

4.Keep rooms well lit and use nightlights.

Keep your rooms well lit. Nightlights keep you safe from falling if you must walk about during the night.


5.Avoid throw rugs.

Secure carpet to the floor. A rug can easily be tripped on. If you like a particular rug, and don’t want to part with it, make certain the edges are securely fastened to the floor.

6.Keep rooms clutter-free

Do not store things on the steps or in walkways in the house. Tidy the house on a daily basis.

7.Have your bed at the right height.

 Your feet should be flat on the floor when you sit on the bed to avoid falls when getting in or out of the bed. If your mattress is too high, consider adjusting it to a better height or if necessary, purchase a new bed or bed frame

8.Wear proper footwear.  

Low-heeled shoes with non-skid soles are preferred. You want footwear that fits properly and is your right size. Slippers should have a non-skid sole and a snug fit. Avoid running around the house in socks.

9.Get your hearing and vision checked regularly.

Changes in your eyesight and hearing can contribute to falls. Maintain your regular exams.

10.Drink Water

About sixty percent of your body is made of water. According to studies, a large percentage of the brain and heart, the lungs and the skin, muscles and kidneys, and your blood are made up of water. Being dehydrated may cause various health concerns like a drop in blood pressure and dizziness. So, to keep your balance, drink adequate water each day.

11.Add safety equipment as needed.

  • Railings at the stairs – both indoor and outside.
  • Install grab bars for bathtubs and showers.  
  • Grab bars near the toilet.
  • A shower chair or shower bench.
  • Use a cane or walker if necessary.

Upwalkers are a unique type of walker. They are known to help you maintain good posture and keep your balance. Patented for safety and stability as you walk. It is the most reliable stand-up walker on the market. It helps you gain back your independence, as you can effortlessly walk farther than before,

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10 Ways to Improve Your Balance

  1. Walk
  2. Bike
  3. Climb stairs
  4. Do core exercises
  5. BOSU Ball
    is designed to improve your strength, endurance, and balance.
  6. Yoga
  7. Tai Chi
  8. Sit-to-stand/Stand-to-Sit – Find a hard-backed chair and sit, then stand, then sit, then stand without holding on to anything. This will strengthen your core muscles and your balance.
  9. Stand on One Foot – while brushing teeth or hold on to back of chair while you balance on one foot.
  10. Walk heel-to-toe along a straight line.

Try Leslie Sansone Walk at Home video series. She has a multitude of DVDs and also YouTube videos.

Leslie Sansone – Miracle Mile: 1 Mile [DVD]

In Conclusion

One reason you can lose your balance is when your muscles, ligaments, and tendons get tight from lack of use. Adding activities to your daily routine can help you regain what has been lost.

While working on regaining balance, it may be helpful to include some safety equipment in your home.

Simply having handrails at every set of stairs is a safety precaution. Grab bars in the bathroom and canes and walkers when necessary are all helpful in maintaining your balance. Clean up spills right away. Avoid the use of extension cords.

11 Tips to Help Prevent Falls

  1. Stay physically active.
  2. Keep electrical cords out of walking areas.
  3. Understand your medication.
  4. Keep Rooms Well Lit and Use night lights.
  5. Avoid throw rugs.
  6. Keep Rooms Clutter-free
  7. Have your bed at the right height.
  8. Wear proper footwear.
  9. Get your hearing and vision checked regularly.
  10. Drink water.
  11. Add safety equipment as needed.

Disclaimer: If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. No content on this site should be substituted for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner. The information contained here is for informational purposes only. It is from my research and personal experience.

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2 thoughts on “11 Tips to Help Prevent Falls”

  1. These are very helpful and practical tips to prevent falls. If I may add, take prescription medications regularly, like anti-hypertensive pills, so your blood pressure is always at a normal range, thus you won’t feel dizziness which may cause the falls.

    As well, it is really important for the older age group to walk with company so there’s somebody to help in case they feel out of balance.


    • Hi Marita, thanks for stopping by! To think that 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 fall each year, it is important to do what ever is necessary to keep them on their feet. Anyone can fall, as you can see young children with casts on arms and legs. By taking caution and observing these tips, it should help to keep us all safer! 🙂


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