How to Get Ready for the Summer, Tips to Beat the Heat

How to get ready for the summer. After a long, drawn-out spring. This summer looks pretty good! Now that the weather is warm, we are putting on our summer clothes and headed outdoors.

But before you go too far, let’s have a look at three things to keep in mind before starting out.

We all want to enjoy the summer, the warm weather, and great activities. But summer also brings its heat waves and extreme weather. Here are some tips to get you through the hottest weather and help you keep your cool.

Stay Hydrated

During the hot summer months, it is easy to become dehydrated. If you are out in the hot rays of the sun for too long, it is possible to get a heat stroke. Children and people over 60 are particularly susceptible to this. For this reason, people of this age group should avoid spending extended periods of time in the direct sun’s rays during the heat of the day.

Every day we all lose fluid from our bodies through avenues such as sweat, breathing and urine. A healthy person regains that fluid by eating food and drinking water.

If someone is overexposed to the sun, or is not drinking enough water, that person loses vital body fluids and essential electrolytes. To remain in good health, these must be replaced.

What Color is It?

The color of your urine is a key indicator as to how much water you need. Urine should be a clear, pale yellow. If it is much darker it may be an indication that you are dehydrated. That means you need to consume more water.

During the summer it is a good idea to drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. This is what the Center for Disease Control recommends.

Cold Water is Not Always Better

Another consideration is for you who are construction workers, and labor out in the hot sun. You need to be extra cautious. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health recommends that construction workers drink water at the temperature of 50 to 59 degrees. Carbohydrate/ Electrolyte drinks help you to avoid heat cramps that can occur up to several hours after working.

Not All Fluids are the Same

Additionally, coffee, tea, and soda may further dehydrate you. The ideal fluid to drink is water. There are some foods to eat which contain a lot of water and are good at hydrating.

Eat Your Fluids!

Watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and leafy greens are full of juicy goodness. They are nutritious powerhouses. These are great summer foods to include in your meals. An additional bonus is that watermelon contains lycopene. Lycopene protects skin cells from sun damage.

An Easy Smoothie to Replace Electrolytes

A quick and easy smoothie to whip up in a blender is one made with 1/4 cup chia seeds, 1 cup coconut water, 1 cup ice and 1 cup frozen fruit.

The coconut water is full of potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium. One ounce of chia seeds has 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and some B vitamins. Chia is full of omega-3 Fatty Acids and fiber. So, you see what great nutrition is in this simple smoothie. The chia slowly releases water into your body. You will continue to absorb it for hours.

To make a creamier version you can substitute almond, soy, or cashew milk for the cup of ice and add ½ a frozen banana. Decrease the fruit to ½ cup.


Ways to Stay Cool

  1. Wear a hat and sunglasses when going out in the sun.
  2. Place an ice pack around the back of your neck and on your wrists to bring your temperature down quickly
  3. Enjoy smaller cold meals and salads. Avoid large meals
  4. Stay in an air-conditioned building. Libraries or other public buildings are available if you do not have air conditioning at home.
  5. Keep a small spray bottle with you. Spray a cooling mist on your skin every few hours to moisturize and cool yourself. In the heat of day, it will give you and your skin a major relief.
  6. If you have time for a cool-water shower during the heat of summer, it will also be a heat buster.

Take Care of Your Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it is on the outside of all the other organs. For this reason, it protects all that is going on inside of you. Sunburn, or other injuries to the skin allow a gateway to what is inside. Here are a few tips to keep your skin healthy during the summer months.

The first consideration is to ease up on the makeup. By wearing less makeup, it allows your skin to breathe. The heat and humidity increase the sebaceous glands’ activity. Oily skin will become oiler and dry skin will appear rough and patchy. Consequently, in summer it is important to exfoliate your skin regularly.

Include Antioxidants in Your Skin Care

There are topical antioxidants available in skin care. However, it is important to have a diet including fruit and vegetables in which to get your antioxidants. In this article it especially mentions lycopene that is available by eating tomatoes.

Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing During the Summer Heat

  1. Cleanse your skin regularly
  2. Exfoliate
  3. Hydrate
  4. Eat Antioxidant-rich Foods, which include lots of fresh fruit and veggies

Some Foods that Will do Your Skin a Favor

  • Fatty fish, such as salmon are excellent foods for healthy skin
  • Avocados are high in healthy fats
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Red or yellow bell peppers


Wearing sunscreen should be your best friend all year long, but especially during the summer months. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), one in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime. The National Institute on Aging believes that sunlight is a major culprit of wrinkles, dryness, and age spots.

The sunscreen you have from last year is probably out-of-date. Don’t you think it is time to get a fresh supply for this year?

Don’t Ignore Your Feet

In thinking about how to get ready for the summer, don’t forget your feet.

Exfoliate the skin on your feet regularly to get rid of callus. And if you are planning to wear open footwear, don’t forget that your feet need sunscreen as well as the rest of your body!

A moisturizer will keep the skin on your feet soft. You could do something as simple as slather petroleum jelly on your feet and put on a pair of socks before going to bed. When you wake up in the morning the skin and cuticles on your feet should be softer.

I have been using Avon Foot Works Overnight Renewing Cream with great success.

Avoid Athlete’s Foot

In summer with high humidity your feet sweat. The germs accumulate and odor forms especially when wearing closed toe shoes.

When in public showers, locker rooms, and pool areas you can pick up a fungus called Athletes Foot. This fungal infection develops more easily in hot and humid areas. Unless it is treated, it can become a stubborn problem. It makes the foot and between the toes quite itchy.

To avoid this troublesome problem, wear flip-flops in public showers, locker rooms, and pool areas to avoid coming in contact with the fungus.


Change your shoes and socks every day and keep your feet dry. Athlete’s Foot and Plantar Warts thrive in high humidity.

A Home Remedy for Athletes Foot

A study done in 2002 found that 25 to 50 percent mix of a carrier oil, like warm coconut oil, with tea tree oil for a few weeks could treat both the symptoms and the fungus that causes athlete’s foot.

In addition, you can use a foot soak. Fill a shallow tub ¼ full of warm water, add half cup of Epsom salt and 10 drops of tea tree essential oil. Tea tree oil has germicidal properties. It helps to deal with bad odor. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes

Find a Supportive Pair of Footwear or Sandals

Flip-flops are not ideal for long walks or for wearing every day as they provide very little support to your feet. However, they are good to wear in public showers, locker rooms, and pool areas where viruses and fungi that cause plantar warts and athlete’s foot abound.

Several Supportive Types of Sandals

The best summer sandal for frequent wear is one with straps that hold your foot in place across the top and at the back – a gladiator sandal is a stylish way to do just that. On the other hand, many people like Birkenstock sandals which have a sturdy look to them.

Living with Diabetes

People living with diabetes always need to take extra precautions with their feet. It is never wise to go bare-foot, as you could develop ulcers or wounds.

Change those sweaty socks. Fungus thrives in dark moist areas.

Examine your feet daily for anything unusual. If you do notice anything unusual, notify your doctor right away, before it becomes a bigger problem to deal with.

Don’t try to cut your own toenails if you have diabetes. Let a foot doctor or nurse regularly do it for you.

In Conclusion

According to the calendar, today is the first day of summer. It is time to get out and enjoy it to the fullest! We have discussed three ways of how to get ready for the summer.

Stay hydrated, take care of your skin, and don’t forget to take care of your feet. Keep these three things in mind as you go out and enjoy your summer.

Please Leave a Comment

You know I love to hear from you, my readers! Let me know of your handy tips and tricks as you deal with the heat of summer.

Disclaimer: If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. No content on this site should be substituted for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner. The information contained here is from my personal research and personal experience.

6 thoughts on “How to Get Ready for the Summer, Tips to Beat the Heat”

  1. Hi Carolyn,

    Great article here! It really makes me want to pull out my lawn chair and sit in the sun with a nice fruit smoothie. Of course, like you made clear, there are precautions one should take before heading out the door.

    I think the most important thing one can do to stay hydrated in to drink water. I drink a gallon a day and use a gallon vinegar container so that I only have to refill my water once in the morning.

    I’m particularly fond of the simple smoothie recipe you listed with the coconut water and the chia seeds. I sometimes drink coconut water to replace my electrolytes, but it tastes pretty bad. Putting it a smoothie would definitely help it go down easier and I’ll definitely have to try that.

    Thanks for this article that I didn’t know I needed but did. I would even dare to say that it was pretty cool.


    • Hi Isaac, Thanks for stopping by with a comment. Everyone enjoys the summer and the freedom from winter coats, boots and mittens!

      It is most important for children and the elderly who find the heat and high humidity exhausting. They are especially the ones who need to be concerned. Also if you were working on the roof of a building for hours in the hot blazing sun, as many construction worker do, it could be a concern.

      Enjoy your lawn chair and fruit smoothie, and don’t drink too much water to become “water intoxicated” also known as hyperhydration or water toxemia!

      All the best,


  2. Thanks for the tips! It’s so important to stay safe when the sun is beating down on you. I’m a college student on a primarily walking campus. With the amount of time I take walking under the hot sun everyday, if I don’t take care of myself, it gets ugly. I’ve had says where I forget to drink enough water and then find myself lightheaded while almost jogging to class. As the fall semester is about to start, the information you’ve included here is more important now than ever. Also, I didn’t know that cold water wasn’t necessarily the best for you! Everywhere online I’ve seen that it’s the best due to it boosting metabolism or something like that. Thank you for being so specific as to include the temperature range as well. Very helpful!

    • Hi Maria, Thanks for stopping by with a comment. The reason you don’t want to drink ice cold water when it is extremely hot outside, is because of the difference of your body temperature and the ice cold water. It could cause stomach discomfort and nausea, among other things.

      Some people/countries use parasols or sun umbrellas to protect themselves from the damaging rays of the hot sun. It is a common site on the beach as well.

  3. Yes, summer is coming and we need to prepare. Good article and very informative.
    I always wear sandals in the summer. It is much more comfortable both for me and my feet.
    And I love smoothies. They make the summer more enjoyable. Thanks for the proposed smoothie. I will give it a try.

    • Hi Sardar Adel, Thanks for stopping by with your comment! Yes, sandals are a part of many people’s summer footwear. Some of us wait all year to enjoy summer. It goes by too quickly here in Canada. I hope you enjoy your summer as much as I am.

      All the best,



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